🪺Applications and Groups Tabs


The Applications and Groups tabs in the User 360 profile can show you a user's static entitlement data, providing a better understanding of what a user has access to, and how they have access to it.

The Applications and Groups tab are the fifth and sixth tabs, respectively, of the User 360. Below we'll dive into the specific data and functionality for each tab.


On the Applications tab, you will see a table of the applications assigned to a given user, as well as a few visualizations related to the user's application usage.

Applications table elements

The section below details the fields that appear in the Applications table, as well as the definition of each field:



The application name and application user ID a ssociated with the application for the user If an application is on your Sensitive Applications list, there will be a 'Sensitive Applications' tag next to the application name


The identity source associated with the application assignment


Only available for Okta The Okta application status


The group membership that allows a user to have access to a particular application. Users can gain access to an application without a group (blank or 'directly assigned application') or via more than one group, where you'd see multiple group names in this column


Only available for Entra The individual listed as the application's owner in Entra

Usage Count

The number of times a user has used a particular application

By default, the table is sorted on usage count in descending order (most frequently used to least frequently)

Last Access (UTC)

The last date and time the user accessed an application


The result associated with the user's last access attempt for an application

Applications tab general actions

The Applications table offers multiple high level features that are similar to what can be found elsewhere in the platform. Click through the tabs below to learn more about how to utilize each feature.

View Activity

Click the 3 dot button to the right of the last column, to find the View Activity action. This will take you to the user's Activity tab, pre-filtered on the application name, so that you can see all of a given user's activity/events for a particular application.

Application usage visualizations

The Applications tab has 3 widgets that display data about a user's application assignment and usage trends.

  • Applications usage - Total number of applications assigned to the user, broken down by used applications and unused applications

    • Hovering over a segment of the pie chart will display a tool tip with the application count

  • Applications usage over time - A given user's total application usage count per day, color coded by application

    • Hovering over a segment of a given bar will display a tool tip with the date, application name and usage count. By default the view is set for 30 days, but this can be adjusted to see a wider or smaller window of time using the + and - buttons in the top right corner of the widget

  • Median apps per user - Compares the median number of applications a particular user has assigned to them versus all users in the organization, other users in their department and other users reporting to the same manager (if department and manager data is available for the given user)

    • Hovering over a bar will display the median application count per user for each category

To export any of the visualizations, click on the 3 line button in the top right corner of the desired widget. Downloading as a SVG or PNG will export an image, whereas downloading as a CSV will export the raw data for you in CSV format.


Similar to the Applications tab, the Groups tab also shows you static entitlement data related to a given user's group assignments.

If there have not been recent changes to a user's groups, the changelog widget to the left of the Groups table will not be visible.

Group table elements

The section below details the fields that appear in the Groups table, as well as the definition of each field:



The name of a particular group the given user is part of. If available from the source, it will also display a description of the group and the date the user was added to this group

Clicking on a group name will take you to the Users page, pre-filtered on the group name to show you other users that are part of a particular group Hover over the group name or description to see a tooltip with the full details


A given user's role type or group type for a specific group within the identity source Note: Certain role (ex: PIM Admin) or group (ex: Microsoft365) types are only available for certain identity source


The identity source associated with the group

Added By

The email address of the user who added a given user to the group


The number of applications members of the group have access to


The total number of users assigned to the group

Groups tab general actions

The Groups table offers multiple high level features that are similar to what can be found elsewhere in the platform. Click through the tabs below to learn more about how to utilize each feature.

Search issues

Use the search bar above the Groups table to search based on various fields such as group name, description or associated application names. When searching, you do not need to provide an exact value. Typing a piece of the word will return results.

You can also add a value from the Type or Source column as a search parameter by clicking the value in the table (ex: Role or Okta).

If you have searched on a particular parameter, the search criteria is retained as you navigate between different tabs within the platform.

To clear the search bar click the X on the right most side of the search bar.

Group visualizations

The Groups tab has 2 widgets that display data about a user's group assignments and group changes.

  • Group changes over time - A given user's total number of group changes per day, color coded by change type (added or removed)

    • Hovering over a segment of a given bar will display a tool tip with the date, change type, and event count. By default the view is set for 30 days, but this can be adjusted to see a wider or smaller window of time using the + and - buttons in the top right corner of the widget

  • Median Groups per user - Compares the median number of groups a particular user is assigned to them versus all users in the organization, other users in their department and other users reporting to the same manager (if department and manager data is available for the given user)

    • Hovering over a bar will display the median number of groups per user for each category

To export any of the visualizations, click on the 3 line button in the top right corner of the desired widget. Downloading as a SVG or PNG will export an image, whereas downloading as a CSV will export the raw data for you in CSV format.

Last updated