Email Notifications
Email notifications are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started with outbound notifications for Cisco Identity Intelligence.
Setting up an email notification target requires the full administrator role.
From the Integrations page, click Add Integration.
Select Add Email Target
Enter a target display name and description, if desired
To use the email target for Check Failure notifications, select that box. To use this email address as the reply-to address, select "Communication". An email notification target may be used for one or both purposes.
Enter the email address or distribution, and any additional copy to addresses. The fields DO support a comma separated list of addresses.
Click Save.
To test the new target from the Integrations page, simply click the 3-dot menu for it on the right and click Test connectivity.
Add the Email Target to One or More Checks
With the new email notification target in place, navigate to the Checks page.
Click the Add + button in the column and select one or more Checks where you would like email notifications for new failing users. You can also test the functionality from this point.
Notification Format and Frequency
Email notifications differ slightly from chat app notifications like Slack and Microsoft Teams Notification Integration in the following way:
By default, one email is sent per check per day, with a summary report of up to 20 users.
If more than 20 new users failed that particular check in a 24 hr period, then use the "See Report" link at the bottom of the email to view the list of users in the CII dashboard.
Last updated