Webex Notification Integration
Oort can integrate with Webex to provide notifications and in some cases automation of frequently recurring identity tasks.
The goal of this document is to walk through configuration of a Webex space as a notification target and test notifications from one or more Oort identity health metrics.
This document is intended for identity security, IAM, and IT administrators responsible for integrations between identity, security, and collaboration platforms, including notifications, alerting, and incident remediation.
Next Steps
After Webex integration is complete, notifications can be tuned to meet your specific organizational needs.
Webex Integration
To enable Webex integration, you will need to add the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot for Webex to your Webex space and send an invite message to the bot.
Permission requirements within Webex
By default, any space moderator member can add people (and bots) to a space.
High-level Setup Steps
There are 3 steps you need to go through to set up the Webex integration with your Oort tenant.
Add the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot to your Webex space
Send an invite message to the bot from the Webex space
Enable the Webex notification as a target in one or more Oort health checks
Add Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot to Webex
To add the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot to Webex, perform the following steps.
Login to the Oort Dashboard
From the Integrations tab, click on Add Integration
From the Notification Targets list, select Add Webex Target
Copy the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot username
Add the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot to your Webex space by inviting the bot username to the Webex space
Click Generate Configuration Message to generate the bot invite message
Copy the invite message shown on the page
Mention the bot in your Webex space followed by the copied invite message
Configure Webex Notification Target Details
Webex will send the invite message to Oort, which will create a new Webex notification target, and send a message to the Webex space when setup is complete. The Webex notification target name will be the name of the Webex space it was added to.
After getting a message stating the notification target has been added to your Cisco Identity Intelligence account open the Integrations page in Oort to view the new Webex notification target. You may need to refresh the list of integrations to see the new notification target.
You can update the Webex notification target Name, Description (optional) and the use of this target.
Uses can be a combination of Failed Check and Data Collection.
Failed Check means the notification target will be notified after checks are evaluated with the failed check results.
Data Collection means the notification target will be notified after a manually-triggered collection of an integration ends, or whenever a manual or scheduled data collection fails with an error.
Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.
Enable Notifications via Webex for a Health Check
The next, optional, step is to enable Webex notifications for one or more checks. A notification target should be configured to be notified for specific checks to be operational.
Navigate to the Checks page from the left side menu and then click on a specific Check type, such as Weak MFA Configured.
On the right side of the page, check the box to enable notifications for the Webex notification target you configured.
The Webex workspace will now show as enabled for that Check type.
Test Webex Notifications
To test the connectivity of the Webex notification target:
Go to the Integrations page
Select the Webex notification target or use the 3 dot menu button
Select the Test Connectivity button in the side panel or the menu to send a test "verification" message to the configured Webex space
To test what a custom message for a specific failing check will look like:
Go to a specific check page and click Customize Messages
Customize the message as desired and select Save
Click the Test button for the Webex notification target to send a test message to the signed in user, NOT the configured space, to verify the custom message looks as intended
Adding Multiple Webex Spaces
To add more than one space as a notification target, repeat the process above starting with Add Integration to add a new Webex notification target.
Within each individual Check details pane, you will be able to pick one or more Webex target integrations.
Removing the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot from a Webex space
Should it be necessary to delete the Cisco Identity Intelligence Bot from your Webex space follow the following steps:
Login to the Oort Dashboard
From the Integrations tab, click on the three dots menu next to the Webex notification target you with to delete
Click Delete
Last updated